Sunday, October 01, 2006

See the Future

On Saturday we went to certain event at the Huashan Cultural Park close to the Shandao Temple station.

Afterwards we were sitting in the park and having nice chat. And while talking and talking, I realized that place looks really nice to me. I said a park, actually it's quite small place though. Roughly triangle-shaped spot with several benches made with futuristic design. Because of the twilight, dance music and kind of laser beams coming from sound system, street with a lot of lights, and high buildings around, I found out that this place looked like something from the future. There were a lot of traffic going, but it wasn't disturbing at all. Well, it was my impression from that place. I'm sure for the local people it's just an ordinary place with ordinary stuff and definitely nothing special. This makes me thinking about what could be their vision of the future then?

I didn't take my camera and I've been trying to find some picture which can describe this sort of atmosphere on Flickr. The picture isn't exactly from that place, anyway... Credits goes to Yueh-Hua.

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